Our Introduction

Krishi Hrudya's primary areas of focus are water budgeting, novel nutrients, and battery-powered farm equipment. The company is building a technology platform that helps farmers in India and other emerging markets improve yields through efficient water usage and soil health.

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IrriBOT Valve

Our Products

Krishi Hrudya - IrriBOT Valve

IrriBOT is a smart irrigation system designed to help farmers more efficiently manage the irrigation of their crops. The wireless valve system can be easily installed on existing pipelines, thus reducing implementation costs drastically., and is solar powered. The system can be controlled through a mobile app, allowing farmers to set it to open and close the valves according to their desired irrigation schedule. It allows for greater flexibility and cost savings in the long term. Being able to control the valves remotely through a mobile app is also a convenient feature. Up to 15 valves can be configured on a single gateway in a mesh configuration.
